April 2007

This is my DH when our club put on our Qualifier a couple of weeks ago.

Speech & debate tournament season is over for me…we had a blast
travelling 11 hours to Massachusetts to Regionals! 

My friend and I (with two of our students) got up in front of 270 people and did the following skit that we had written:

2 mothers walk out. 

MOM 1:    Hi there, what have you been up to?

MOM 2:    Hi!  
Oh, I was just judging the debate team Smith and Jones.

MOM 1:    Oh, haven’t they improved since last

MOM 2:    Yes, it’s wonderful!  They’re only 14 years old and doing this well…think what they will be able to
do in 2 or  3 more years!!

MOM 1:   I remember when they first started
debating.  They were so nervous and tongue-tied.  But today they didn’t seem nervous at all.

MOM 2:    They’re so much more organized,
too.  Thoughts that flow smoothly, good roadmapping.

MOM 1:    I used to groan when I found out I
had to judge that team.  The poor things didn’t even know what a stock issue

 Leave stage conversing

2 students walk out.

STUDENT 1:    Hi, guy!  What’s up?

STUDENT 2:    Hi! 
We just finished our round.  We were
just judged by Mrs. Crouch.

STUDENT 1:     Oh, hasn’t she improved since last

STUDENT 2:    Yes, it’s wonderful.  I remember when she first started
judging.  She was so nervous and didn’t know what to write
on the ballot.  But today she didn’t seem nervous at

STUDENT 1:     She’s so much more organized now,
too.  Her thoughts flow smoothly on the page, and I
understand where she’s taking us.

STUDENT 2:     I used to groan when I found out she
was going to be our judge.  The poor  thing didn’t even know
what a stock issue was!

STUDENT 1:    She’s only about 40 now; just think what a good
judge she’ll make in another 3-4 years!!

HOWEVER:  Our dear students added another line that was unexpected to me:  “Yes, and Mrs. Welton in another 5-10!”

Now it’s back to
work on other things.

WhoEVER thought I would be a
debate judge someday?  The competitors
gather at the front of the room to pray…”Father, help our thoughts to be
clear.  Help us to be honoring to you….”

What about “and help that
poor old mom sitting there with shaking hands who’s going to be our judge….keep
her from totally freaking out….help her to understand at least SOMETHING of
what we’re talking about!”

(for interested homeschoolers, see www.ncfca.org)

I never thought that having
a loved one in an assisted living home would give me more people to love and
care about.

Being regular visitors to my
mother-in-law has opened up all sorts of dynamics.  Faces that light up when we walk in the door  (they all sit by the outside door like birds
on a wire).  Spending time to chat with
the activities director when my mom isn’t home—because sometimes she needs
decent conversation as much as the elder ones do!  Worrying about Diana, who is a sweet but
sometimes very sad
Downs’ Syndrome girl. 
Stopping to assist in a game of Rummi-cubes when everyone has gotten
stuck.  Putting on a Valentine’s party
for them all.

I had to miss the luncheon
where family members were invited, but I felt so guilty.  My mom would have lots of family present, but
what about Pauline?  Marian? 
Neva?  Would there be anyone to sit and chat with

Interesting quotes:

“Humph!  They sit in those chairs by the door so much
you’d think they should charge them extra!”  ~~ my mother-in-law (who takes a shortcut
after meals so she doesn’t have to pass by them).

 “Heel and toe, away we go!’  ~~ Bert’s comment as we run the gauntlet of
elders to exit the building.

 “My name is spelled
M-A-R-I-AN with an A.  My mother always
told me that
Marion with an O is a boy’s name.”

 “Do you live here?”  ~~ a comment often heard from Alice.

 “She says the same thing
over and over.  I hope I’m not like
that…it’s kind of hard to tell…”  ~~